Coronavirus Concerns Forces Legislators to Suspend Committee Hearings on All Bills Including SB 955, The Roxie Rules Act


Three senate committees—Health, Judiciary and Government & Finance—were set to hear the Meow Meow Foundation bill SB 955 (The Roxie Rules Act) beginning March 25. However, lawmakers suspended all committee hearings due to coronavirus concerns.

According to today’s LAist article…

“In an urgent attempt to prepare California for a surge of critically ill coronavirus patients, state lawmakers Monday allocated up to $1 billion for an unprecedented ramp-up of hospital capacity, and then, in an extraordinary move, sent legislators home for a month — or perhaps longer — effectively shutting down business at the state Capitol as Americans face growing calls to isolate themselves.

The move to adjourn until April 13 came as states across the nation enacted sweeping measures to stem the fast-moving pandemic and the nation's economy began to shut down.”

Meow Meow Foundation will continue to update constituents about the amended committee schedule. Foundation principals Doug Forbes and Elena Matyas will thereafter testify before senate and assembly chambers and meet with dozens of legislators along the way. They hope to send a multitude of proponents to hearings in order to garner further support for their comprehensive recreational camp health and safety measure.

Doug Forbes