Our Mission
Protect children with end-to-end drowning prevention and camp safety programming.
Our Vision
Eliminate preventable childhood drowning and camp-related injuries, deaths and abuse.
The Bottom Line
Adults must stop saying that they simply looked away and the next thing they knew, their child drowned in a backyard pool or severely injured or abused at a camp. That is not acceptable. That is not being accountable. That does nothing to to change wholly preventable outcomes.
Adults must own it before we can end it.
Pool fences and alarms and swim lessons and flotation vests are not drowning solutions. We are. Drownings occur because we don’t pay attention, because we don’t ask the right questions or because we don’t possess the right skills.
And where camps are concerned, it’s a similar story. Millions of adults fail to do enough due diligence before handing off children to people we do not know, and programming we do not research, regardless of the referrals we receive.
Roxie used to love saying the word “persistence.” Actually, with her little lisp, she pronounced it more like “perthithtence.” But she did not just say it, she lived it by working through health challenges and never using them as an excuse. She showed us how we should behave as adults. We must and will do the same.
“We grow when we give. We give so we learn.”
Please Give.
If you donate, if you participate, then you can celebrate with us. It would mean the world to us. But more importantly, it would mean the world to children who face preventable, manageable health and safety challenges right now.