Meow Meow Foundation

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Meow Meow Foundation Donates Michael Phelps Foundation Program to Local Boys and Girls Club

Meow Meow Foundation has offered to donate the renowned Michael Phelps Foundation IM Program to the Pasadena Boys & Girls Club.

The IM Program ( named after the Individual Medley program that helped make Phelps so famous) offers a multifaceted lineup of water safety instruction, recreational aquatic activities, structured and organized swimming, and health, wellness and goal-setting education.

Each program provides at least 50 youth participants with structured, age-appropriate programming as well as an opportunity to earn IM Program medals by reaching program goals.

“We are so deeply honored to work with the Michael Phelps Foundation in an effort not only to keep children water-safe but also to help them remain healthy in body and mind,” said Meow Meow Foundation co-founder Doug Forbes.

The Pasadena Boys & Girls Club is one of the few area facilities to offer swimming. “Our collaboration with this local organization works on so many levels,” said foundation co-founder Elena Matyas. “We not only further support our childhood drowning prevention advocacy, but we also get to give underserved children equal access to vital resources.”

The three organizations continue to dialog about the rollout. In light of the pandemic, 2022 is the likely target launch.